
 <外文翻译:原文> 侯君. (2011). 文化创意产业时代的城市品牌传播研究 . (Doctoral dissertation, 河南大学).



 1. 城市品牌传播

 根据 Kevin Lane Keller 教授对于城市品牌的定义,我们可以推出一个城市品牌传播的大致定义:




 2. 城市品牌传播的核心任务







 城市品牌传播兴起 ,掀起城市品牌传播热


 1. 城市“选秀”纷纷上演 自 2004 年中央电视台推出“CCTV 中国魅力城市评选”活动以来,城市“选秀”形成了一股热潮。“中国最具经济活力的城市”、“中国最有魅力的城市”、“中国最具竞争力的城市”、“中国十大安静城市”、“中国最具幸福感的城市”、“森林城市”、“绿


 2010 年 11 月 2 日,评议专家组评出“2010 中国城市休闲指数”,该指数排名前 30 位的城市被评为“2010 中国休闲城市”,其中,排名前 10 位的城市获评“2010 中国最佳休闲城市”,即:杭州、青岛、三亚、丽江、成都、烟台、黄山、桂林、秦皇岛和苏州。同时,根据人民网公众网络评选,评出“2010 中国特色休闲城市”,即:“最时尚休闲城市”上海、“最佳休闲购物城市”天津、“最美休闲城市”杭州、“最具动感休闲城市”青岛、“最佳度假休闲城市”秦皇岛、“最好客休闲城市”烟台、“最浪漫休闲城市”丹东、“最佳户外休闲城市”黄山、“最佳休闲养生城市”宜春和“最适宜夜生活休闲城市”丽江。为这些城市品牌做了一次很好的推广。中国最具幸福感城市的评选从 2007 年启动已经举行了 4 届。2010 年 12 月 26 日晚,由新华社《瞭望东方周刊》等主办的“2010 中国最具幸福感城市颁奖典礼”在长沙举行,20 座城市获得了“幸福”殊荣。

 2010 中国最具幸福感城市(地级及以上)为:杭州、成都、长沙、昆明、南京、长春、重庆、广州、通化、无锡;最具幸福感城市(县级)为:江阴、宜兴、长沙县、余姚、滕州、铜梁、海城、太仓、莱州、胶州。



 Once the concept of urban brand has been established, it must be achieved through the city brand to achieve specific. Schultz, a professor at Northwestern University in the United States, points out that "in the homogeneous market, only communication can create a differentiated brand competitive advantage." People"s attention, trust and loyalty to brand-name cities Is a common phenomenon of social public phenomenon. According to this to establish a good image of the city and spread out, is an important means of urban construction and centralized expression. The reason why the city brand can help the city to gain a competitive advantage lies in the fact that the city brand can greatly improve the efficiency of communication and reduce the cost of gathering resources and save the public"s time in the background of the spread of the modern society and the prosperity of the economy. To avoid investment risk. The core content of urban brand communication is the city"s personality and image and the resulting urban brand, so it is a very important part of the city marketing strategy, its function and

 status should be highly valued. From the marketing strategy point of view, the city brand communication is the strategic process of content construction and strategy selection. From the point of view of information communication, the city brand communication is the city brand marketer will pass the brand-related information through the media To the city of a consumer process. 1. City brand communication According to Professor Kevin Lane Keller for the definition of the city brand, we can introduce a general definition of urban brand communication: urban brand communication refers to the stakeholders as the core, integration of urban brand resource elements, comprehensive coordination of various forms of communication, Unified goals and unified image of the spread, to convey a clear and consistent city brand information, to achieve and two-way communication between stakeholders. To enhance the city"s ability to control external resources and markets, to influence the behavior of stakeholder behavior, so that urban stakeholders have a sense of satisfaction and pleasure, so as to gradually establish the city"s reputation, reputation. The spread of the city brand mainly involves the establishment, cognition and communication of the image of the city brand with the city value as the performance content, and maximizes the image of the brand by means of communication. City brand communication tends to communicate with "people", if there is no unique image of the "city products", or no specific brand image of the city industry, it is difficult to attract the target audience. Good city brand communication is conducive to attract investors, talent, tourists, the public attention to the city gathered, so that the city because of the city brand value. As the city"s most concentrated reflection of the image of the point - the city brand has become a key part of the spread of the image of the city. The spread of the city brand is to achieve the city"s brand of media and means, is to communicate the city and the city"s stakeholders bridge. 2. The core task of urban brand communication Some scholars have suggested that we live in an era of the image of the spread of things and the actual image of the separation of the era: "from the toilet to spread the image of the replacement: Mao Keng - toilet - toilets - changing the dressing room can be seen, the image of the toilet From the initial functional image into the image of the emphasis on added value, the formation of the image and the actual image of the separation of the situation. This shows that in today"s communication practice, can move people"s image is often based on

 the original function of the development of a new value point of the image, that is able to reflect the addition of things in addition to the value of things outside the image. The core task of urban brand communication is to establish the city"s brand image, which embodies the unique core value of the city, and achieve the goal of brand recognition in the communication between the target audience and the city brand. The establishment of the image of urban brand communication is often separated from the natural attributes and functional images of the "city" product. It is a concentrated expression of the city"s unique folklore, culture and values based on the "city" product innovation function. The core task of urban brand communication needs to achieve two goals, one is to achieve the image of the city to maximize the brand, that is, through the planning of urban brand form to give the city brand image with new value points and new experience of the association. The second is to achieve the scope of urban brand recognition to maximize. By using the media public relations strategy to target audiences, the existing public base is used to broaden the audience and deepen the audience"s influence. The concrete steps to realize the core task of urban brand communication include: (1) constructing the content of communication based on brand entity and brand form; se...

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